
more Funny Quotes

06 November 2010

On posting online (Internet) and copyright infringement --- YES IT APPLIES!

This story has gone viral in days---because it's an item that affects all who post written, creative, music, video, artwork, etc. on the Web.



I fight the same kind of IGNORANCE at work as well, in fact the training dept (in another state) was wanting to download vids from Utube and use them in training. Thank goodness someone asked about it in a weekly meeting (different department and directed it at network security of all the wrong places) and I gave everyone a little verbal (and later e-mail) lesson in copyright infringement, how because something is on the Web does NOT mean that copyright does not apply (NO, the web is NOT "public domain") and gave them the proper etiquette for requesting usage of the video. (Simply contact the author, tell them who you are and what you want to use it for and ask them if that is OK. Most will usually grant permission...)

But this story... the Cooks Source magazine editor (if she's really worked in the industry for 30 yrs) should certainly be aware of copyright issues and that copyright applies to all creative media from the moment of creation.

Plagiarism is also a crime since it is a form of copyright infringement. In fact, the Republican primary in Colorado had a plagiarism scandal this year that removed who the party fathers had anointed as the Governor elect candidate. http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/24230487/detail.html

I really hope this gal talks to an IP attorney and/or the National Writer's Union who (I'm sure) would just LOVE to take this case on!